2018 Piece Corp Quilters Guild Quilt Show, St Joseph, Mo
We had over 100 quilts entered in the contest. There were over 30 miniature quilts on display. We had quilt drawings, a boutique and vendors, oh my! We had a wonderful turnout on a great sunny day. There were over 200 hundred people there for the event. One injury while setting up the quilts but in all it went fantastic!
This was the quilt that stole the show.
“Best in Show” and “First Place” in Applique made by Janie Kemp.
Just a beautiful quilt. Great job Janie.

“Second Place” Applique, over 48″ by Cynde Dvorak.

“Third Place” Applique 48″ or over by Karen Moore.

“First Place” Baby and Children’s Quilt is Terry Massengale.

“Second Place” Baby and Children’s Quilt by Janet Loveless.

“Third Place” Baby and Children’s Quilts by Maryilyn Fagan (no Picture)

“First Place” Hand Quilted Wall Hanging and small quilts by Murla Leahy.

“Second Place” Hand Quilted Wall Hanging and small quilts by Jackie Defenbaugh.

“Third Place” Hand Quilted Wall Hanging and small quilts by Darla Owens.

“First Place” Hand Quilted 48″ or over by Marge Bodenhausen.

“Second Place” Hand Quilted 48″ or over by Lanette Bocquin.

“Third Place” Hand Quilted 48″ or over by Lynette Purnell.

“First Place” Machine Quilted 48″ or over by Janie Kemp.

“Second Place” Machine Quilted 48″ or over by Barb Wilkerson.

“Third Place” -tied- Machine Quilted 48″ or over by Marge Bodenhausen.

“First Place” Machine Quilted under 48″ by Barb Miller.

“Second Place” Machine Quilted under 48″ by Barb Wilkerson.

“Third Place” Machine Quilted under 48″ Mary Gaston.

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