Our next quilt guild meeting is: March 3, 2025 (Monday)
We will vote, by ballot, on the meeting time change to 6:oo pm at the March 3rd meeting. Doors open at 5:30 pm. (This vote requires 2/3s of those members present at the meeting to pass.)
The presentation will be “50 Quilts from 50 States” by Denise Stahl – This is her Epic Project of Traveling and Designing Quilts.
We will also be installing the new Officers for 2025-2026.
They are as follows:
President – Lori Mathews, Vice-President – Debbie Merritt, Treasurer – Mary Gaston and Secretary – Sarah Cagg
Greeters – Dedra Litherland and Donna Brown
****The membership committee is collecting PCQG annual dues ($30.00) will need to be paid by the March 2025 meeting to be included in the PCQG annual yearbook.
Time: 6:00 pm
Regular PCQG Meeting Place: