Greeters for 2024-2025

March 4thSarah Cagg/Terry Peppers
April 1stDedra Litherland/Donna Brown/Amy Litherland
May 6thLinda White/Lisa Beavers
  June 3rd Janie Kemp/Barbara Wilkerson
July 8thDebbie Embrey / Trish Izer
August 5thLinda Jones/Sheila Murray
  September 9th Barb Zoubek/Karen Besinger/Candy Kelly
October 7thTeresa Cobb/Cathleen Brown
November 4thKathy Hessel/Marilyn Fagan
December 2ndBrenda Jones/Wanda Hrenchir
January 6thCarol Sparks/Sarah Cagg
February 3rdJennifer Sprague/Nancy Root

Greeters – Arrive between 6:00 and 6:30 pm to set up tables.

  • Welcome members and guests to each meeting.
  • Greeters ask each person to sign the attendance list and guests to sign the Guest Book.
  • Before the business meeting one of the greeters should advise the President of the names of guests so they can be welcomed.
  • The greeter needs to inform the Secretary of the number present at the meeting.
  • Names and addresses of guests should be given to the editor of the newsletter so complimentary copies may be sent.
  • The Membership Chair receives the dues, names, and addresses of new members.
  • The greeter also collects a quarter for those not wearing a name tag and gives that money to the Treasurer.
  • Provide door prizes for that meeting. (can be made or bought)