Piece Corps Quilters Guild (PCQG) Meetings are held the first Monday of each month at 7:00 pm (social time 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm) located at:
Pony Express Museum
914 Penn Street
St. Joseph, MO
~ Annual dues is $30.00 and are payable each January. Dues must be paid to be included in the guild yearbook.
~Annual Junior dues is $10.00 (10 through 18 years)
~Dues are prorated, one-half, for new members joining after June 1st. ($15.00 adult and $5.00 for Junior member)
~ Visitors are welcome to the first 2 monthly meetings free, thereafter they will be asked to pay the normal dues listed above.
Inclement weather – In case of inclement weather, the guild has adopted a policy that if weather is bad enough to warrant the closing of the public schools-then the meeting will be cancelled also.
If you are interested in checking out our meetings or joining the guild please visit us at our next meeting. We would love to meet you.
Officers 2025-2026
Piece Corps Quilters Guild Officers 2025-2026
President – Lori Mathews
Vice President – Debbie Merritt
Treasurer – Mary Gaston
Secretary – Sarah Cagg
Committee Members 2025-2026
General powers and Committee member duties
Quilt Guild Guidelines
The Quilt Reporter Newsletter
The newsletter is e-mailed/mailed to each member before the monthly meetings. Members are encouraged to turn in articles of interest to the editor for publication. The deadline for news is the 15th of each month. Names of prospective members should be given to the editor so a complimentary copy can be sent. If you would like the newsletter emailed to you please contact Kathy Stockett.
If you have information pertaining to the Guild, announcements, thank yous, etc. that you would like to have placed in the newsletter, please forward the information to [email protected] This email address has been established to receive information for the newsletter and to send out the newsletter.
Show’n Tell
This is a very special part of the monthly meetings. Please bring your quilts or quilt related items to share with members. Projects in progress are also welcome.
Members are encouraged to wear a handmade name tag at the guild meetings. A 25¢ fine will be collected if you don’t!!
Please call the Courtesy Chairperson if you know of a member who is ill or who has a death in the family.
**If you cannot remember who to call for courtesy use the Contact US section on the website.** www.piececorpquiltersguild.com
When you use the Contact US section your information will be forwarded to the Courtesy Chairperson.
Heartland Quilt Network Membership
Our guild is a member of the Heartland Quilt Network. The Heartland Quilt Network connects quilt guilds, professional and quilt shops across the Midwest. They share information about about quilt professionals, programs , workshops, quilt shows and events to promote the popular art of quilt making. There are members from over five Midwestern states including Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, and Arkansas.